
What is a promo code and where can I get it?

What is a promo code

What is a promo code and where can I get it? Puzzled by the question, what is a promo code when ordering goods in an online store? With its help, you can get a discount on your order, a nice gift, or the opportunity to take part in a closed promotion or sale.

Previously, to find promotional codes, you had to look at many sites and check each code for relevance.

Today it will take a couple of minutes – just go to and find valid promotional codes for domestic and foreign online stores for every taste in its catalog.

The history of the promo code

Having figured out why you need promotional codes, it will be interesting to plunge into history and find out how they appeared.

The origins go back to conventional stores in America, which sought to attract people to the point of sale with promotional flyers.

The engine was the popular Coca-Cola brand, which decided to try advertising unusual for the start of the company’s existence to promote its drink.

Anyone could take on the street or cut out a coupon from the newspaper, according to which he entitled to a glass of soda water for free.

Advertising Campaign

This quickly attracted crowds to taste the free cola and shop on the spot. As a result of such an advertising campaign, the company received an incredibly large customer base and sharply increased sales.

Seeing the success of the brand, other stores began to actively introduce similar promotions

Codes printed in leaflets and newspapers, and began to be sent actively by mail.

A little later, the idea gradually began to change: in order to receive a promo code, a person had to fill out a short questionnaire with personal information and send it to the store.

This allowed companies to collect contacts of loyal customers and inform them about new promotions.

Types of promotional codes

Today, you can receive all types of promotional codes absolutely free of charge

In Egypt this scheme applies most of all to online sales, but is gradually moving to offline trading.

You can get the code for cosmetics, airline tickets, household goods and much more.

At the same time, several verified places allocated for searching for codes.

What is a promo code and where can I get it?

It can be social networks, where companies create their online pages and regularly publish information about promotions and promotional codes – but there is a risk of missing promotions in a large news feed.

You can directly search for codes in special sections of the store on the site – “promotions”, “discounts”, “sales”

But sometimes it takes a lot of time to study the information

And not every store changes such data on its website in a timely manner due to congestion in orders.

Coupon codes often handed out by bloggers on Instagram or YouTube

But they work with a limited number of stores and the most interesting offers can pass you by.

A good option is to subscribe to newsletters from your favorite stores, but often emails go to spam.

The most proven option is to use coupon aggregator sites that update coupons for their visitors daily.

Today, a modern aggregator of promo codes and discounts is the website.

It contains codes of not only domestic, but also foreign Internet sites of any subject, from household appliances to clothing or food.

We divide Stores by name and subject so that the user can easily find coupons for the online site of interest.

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