Alamy Coupon Codes & Deals

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Alamy is the world’s most diverse stock photo library with close to 200 million creative and editorial stock photos, vectors, 360-degree images and videos from individual photographers, picture agencies and archives. Its global contributor base supplies upwards of 100,000 new images a day to the company’s online platform. Founded in 1999, Alamy was built on a vision to change the world of picture buying and selling. The company has successfully developed technical expertise, great customer service, strong photographer relations and a powerful brand story, to deliver a compelling proposition to the world’s picture buyers.

Alamy Coupon Codes & Deals

The library offers creative and editorial stock photography sourced from a network of over 100,000 photographers and 650 picture agencies and archives. Its customers span the globe, covering the publishing, advertising, design, corporate and broadcast sectors. Alamy’s headquarters are in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. It has offices in the United States and India, as well as a team based in Australia.

Alamy Discount Codes & Savings

Welcome to our Alamy coupons page, explore the latest verified Alamy discounts and promos. You can quickly filter today's Alamy promo codes in order to find exclusive or verified offers. Follow and check our Alamy coupon page daily for new promo codes, discounts, free shipping deals and more.

  • Become an Alamy student stock photographer and earn a 100% commission. Qualified student contributors don't pay commissions or fees to sell their photos through Alamy. There are no limits to what you can earn through this program.
  • Sign up for a free Alamy account, and say yes to receiving product information and special offers via email.
  • Join Alamy as a contributor and earn money selling your photography. Contributors can sell news images, vector images, and iPhone photography. Look for the “Sell Images” link in the website header for details.
  • Follow Alamy on social media to get inspired and learn about ongoing discounts and special offers.

Alamy License Agreement

Alamy uses two different types of licensing agreements. One is a royalty-free (RF) license, and the other is a rights-managed (RM) license. Contributing photographers assign licensing to their images. Royalty-free licensing allows the buyer to use an image with no restrictions when they pay a single price. You can use the image multiple times across many platforms and for do so for years. However, there are likely to be restrictions placed on reselling the image. Rights-managed licenses are more restrictive. The license defines where, when, and how an image is used and for how long an image is available for use. Alamy allows you to filter your image searches to locate RF or RM licensing.

Alamy Returns Policy

Buyers are offered a complete refund of their purchase when they notify Alamy within 30 days of the invoice date. Contact to begin the refund process. Alamy will also refund buyers if they discover a defect in any images they have purchased. Alamy must be notified of defective images within 30 days of the date of delivery to qualify for a refund. In some cases, Alamy may replace the defective image instead of sending a refund. When requesting a refund, the images cannot be used by the buyer. Images that have already been used by the buyer may not qualify for a return. All refunded images must be deleted from the buyer's archives.

How do I use Alamy discount code?

  • Enter Alamy store page
  • Choose Alamy coupon, and tap to copy its code automatically.
  • Add your favorite products to your cart, then continue to complete the payment!
  • Paste Alamy discount codes into the space provided in the order summary!
  • Click “Apply” to activate the discount
  • Check out the discount, you saved money

FAQ For Alamy Coupons

Shoppingandoffers is a perfect place to find the greatest Alamy coupon codes, promos and discount vouchers. We've partnered with hundreds of trusted brands worldwide, and now we've done all the hard work for you so you don't have to spend more than needed. So here are a few commonly asked questions regarding Alamy discount coupons.

Is Alamy offering any coupon codes today?

Shoppingandoffers has many deals & discount codes. All coupons have been updated.

Which is the best Alamy code?

The average discount for Alamy is 20% off. The best discount currently available is 30% off under "Extra 30% Off on Clearance + Sitewide Items from Alamy".

Is there a Alamy student discount?

Some retailers offer student discounts while others don't. Browse through to discover if they have any type of discounts for students. Even so, you can rest assured that you're getting the best deal at Shoppingandoffers.

How do I track my order from Alamy?

As well as being notified by email, you can check the progress and status of your order by logging into your Alamy account and clicking on "My Account" > Orders. Every product ordered will be listed, by clicking on each you will get the status of that product.

Can I return items at Alamy?

Alamy gives you the option to return purchased item(s)*. Any order that has been shipped, falls within a returnable category and is within the 15 days limit from the date of delivery, can be filed for return.

Is Alamy a trusted website?

The best quality and widest range of products. has become one of the most popular online shopping websites.

Does Alamy offer holiday coupon codes?

Alamy has excellent deals throughout the year. Set up alerts when deals go on sale - ASAP.

Does Alamy have a Black Friday sale?

As Black Friday comes near, retailers will drop prices on a significant amount of their existing stock to the lowest price of the year. Alamy is one of those participating stores. Each year, they offer excellent pre-Black Friday and Black Friday deals, and Cyber Monday bargains as well.

Are the Alamy discount codes verified?

Shoppingandoffers has a bunch of Alamy offers coming from a variety of sources. If a coupon code has a "Verified" label, that means our team has tested the code on to ensure it really works.

Can Alamy coupon codes be combined?

It depends on what products you want to buy. Ensure that you are buying sale items and also meet the requirement of free shipping. And, don't forget to sign up for the Alamy e-newsletter. As a new customer, you'll get a special coupon code that can give you 10-20% off on your first order.


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