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Magzter founded in 2011 is a digital publishing site which provides cross-platform of global digital magazine newspaper kiosk intended to help individuals to peruse, purchase and read content on a tablet or cell phones. Headquartered in New York, Magzter is founded by Girish Ramdas, Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan.
Magzter Promo Codes & Deals
Magzter is the world's biggest and quickest developing cross-stage worldwide advanced magazine and book shop and a newspaper stand. With more than 5,000 kinds of magazines by more than 4000 publishers present across the globe, you can read magazines on Business, Lifestyle, News, Entertainment, Newspaper, Fashion, Travel, Art, etc. You'll be able to elect an annual membership at an exceedingly reduced price point and read boundless magazines for the year. Read about the current news, trends and issues from around the globe with the Magzter digital magazine newsstand. The New York-based company started in 2011 with the goal of giving their customers quick electronic access to leading publications. Use promo codes to save on your virtual Magzter subscriptions.
Magzter Coupon Codes & Offers
Save big money on your newspaper and magazine subscriptions using the following discount tips. You can also browse the magazine deals to maximize your savings. The Magzter promo codes currently available end when Magzter set the coupon expiration date. However, some Magzter deals don't have a definite end date, so it's possible the promo code will be active until Magzter runs out of inventory for the promotional item.You can save money at Magzter by using one of the current Magzter coupons. Right now, the most you can save is 90% off. Get Magzter coupons.
Magzter Coupon Codes & Savings Tips
Magzter Promo Codes provides you with the best price for all your orders from Magzter's store . Use Magzter Promo Code when paying and completing the purchase process to obtain a discount on the prices of your products. You have the opportunity to enjoy incredible discounts by using the Magzter discount code.
- Register for Magzter website to receive their newsletter, which includes invitations to exclusive sales events and private previews of upcoming sales.
- Magzter always has certain items in its catalog on sale for up to 70% off any additional price reductions.
- Shop the special outlet section at the top of the page. You can sometimes save up to 70 percent.
- Find a basic item you love, and check for it in the multi-pack area. By buying more than one, you can often receive up to a 20 percent discount.
- Keep an eye out for holiday sales with deep savings. They are announced in a banner at the top of the homepage.
- Watch for announce special sales on their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
- Store often does percentage-off sales based on the amount of money that you spend.
- Download the Magzter app and you can receive up to 15 percent off your first order using the app.
- Follow Magzter on social media to maintain an awareness of the most recent deals it's offering.
- When you check out, enter the Defacto Discount Code so that you can take advantage of exclusive savings.
- Be sure to visit our site in order to select from a variety of available codes and coupons.
Subscribe to Gold Plans
Enjoy access to over 5,000 Magzter magazines and multiple premium stories with the Magzter Gold subscription plans. Visit their website and check out the different gold plans that may suit your needs.
Browse the Latest Offers
Get a deep discount of up to 90% when you take advantage of the latest Magzter deals through their Offers page. Visit their website and select the Offers menu. Browse the ongoing discount specials and Magzter promo codes to boost your savings.
Enjoy a Seven-Day Free Trial
Explore their gold subscription plans and see if one fits your needs by trying it out at no charge for seven days. Click Start Your Seven-Day Free Trial on their homepage and enjoy complimentary access to over 5,000 virtual magazines.
Download the Magzter App
With over 13,000 magazines available in digital form, the Magzter app gives you quick access to a wealth of global information. Expand the hamburger button at the top-left corner of their homepage to download their app. Choose the Apple App store for your iPhone or Google Play for your Android phone.
Follow Them on Social Media
Learn about the latest Magzter offers, promotions and releases by checking out their social media pages. Follow @mobilemagzter on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and boost your chances to save on magazine subscriptions.
Popular Sections on Magzter
- Magazines: The magazine’s section on the home page is where you will find all the top magazines from across the globe. In this section, you will find magazines in regional languages as well as international languages. You can subscribe to more than one magazine at a time and enjoy reading about your favorite movie stars while catching up on the latest news.
- Stories: The Stories section on Magzter is dedicated to top trending stories from famous local and international newspapers. In this segment, you will find quick bites with details like how many minutes you need to read a particular piece. By subscribing to Stories, you will always stay up-to-date without reading a newspaper.
- Newspapers: In the newspaper’s section of Magzter, you can subscribe to various newspapers. With all the famous and top newspapers on your phone, you can always grab the latest happenings on the go. You can subscribe to multiple newspapers at a time and enjoy world news on your favourite device on the metro.
How to use Magzter coupons?
To use a Magzter coupon, copy the related promo code to your clipboard and apply it while checking out. Some coupons only apply to specific products, so make sure all the items in your cart qualify before submitting your order. If there’s a brick-and-mortar store in your area, you may be able to use a printable coupon there as well.
FAQ For Magzter Coupons & Promo codes
Shoppingandoffers is a perfect place to find the greatest Magzter coupon codes, promos and discount vouchers. We've partnered with hundreds of trusted brands worldwide, and now we've done all the hard work for you so you don't have to spend more than needed. So here are a few commonly asked questions regarding Magzter discount coupons.